K9 Services
In 2011, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office started its K9 Unit. Lieutenant Scott Waldron was assigned the position and the search for a K9 began. After extensive research, including local and state wide K9 Units, the Sheriff’s Office decided to work with the Boston Police Department’s K9 Unit’s master K9 trainer Troy Caisey. K9 Drago, a German Shepherd, was chosen from Czech Republic and brought to the United States in September 2011. Lieutenant Scott Waldron and K9 Drago attended patrol training September 21, 2011 and successfully completed the training January 6, 2012. On February 3, 2012, Lieutenant Scott Waldron and K9 Drago started narcotics training in Boston, MA, which was successfully completed on March 14, 2012. Certifications also achieved are USPCA and NAPWDA Standards.
Lieutenant Waldron and K9 Drago have become a highly successful resource for the daily operations at the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office. To date, the Franklin County Sheriff’s K9 Unit has assisted local police departments in motor vehicle narcotic searches, participated in several missing person searches, and has assisted in search warrant apprehensions.
The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit is proud to serve all towns of Franklin County.